Choose Year:
Judith Höller (Hosted by Murch), Yale University
Astronomy on Tap
Dr. Brett Seymoure, Living Earth Collaborative, Washington University in St. Louis and Dr. Erika Gibb, University of Missouri - St. Louis
Exploring new islands in the world of quantum materials
Sheng Ran (Hosted by Murch), NIST & University of Maryland
GRMHD Simulations of Black Hole Accretion Flows
Koushik Chaterjee (Hosted by Nowak), University of Amsterdam
Astromaterials in Neutron Star Crusts
Matt Caplan (Hosted by Albert/Haber), Illinois State University
Studies of Maximum Supercooling and Stirring in Levitated Liquid Metallic Alloys
Mark Sellers
Optical photon generation from a superconducting qubit
Alp Sipahigil (Hosted by Murch), California Institute of Technology, Laboratory of Applied
Axiogenesis and Ultralight Dark Matter
Raymond Co (Hosted by Huang), University of Michigan
Overview of 12C(α,γ)16O
Prof. Carl Brune (Hosted by Sobotka/Dickhoff), Department of Physics, Ohio University
Cosmic rays through balloons and space
Wolfgang Zober
Physics Family Fun Day: The Physics of Animals
WashU Physics Outreach Committee
Bridging topological physics and quantum photonics
Sunil Mittal (Hosted by Murch), University of Maryland, Joint Quantum Institute / IREAP
Searches for beyond-the-Standard-Model Physics with nucleons and nuclei
Jordy de Vries (Hosted by Pastore), University of Massachusetts - Amherst
Studying Star Formation from the Stratosphere with BLASTPol and BLAST-TNG
Laura Fissel (Hosted by Krawczynski), NRAO
Neutrino and axion cooling of neutron stars
Steven Harris
Quantum Matter Built from Strongly Interacting Systems of Atoms and Photons
Alexander Burgers (Hosted by Murch), Princeton University, Department of Electrical Engineering
Neutrinoless double beta decay in effective field theory
Wouter Dekens (Hosted by Pastore), University of California San Diego
Cosmic Extremes: Time-Domain Astrophysics in a Multi-Messenger World
Kate Alexander (Hosted by Krawczynski), Northwestern University
Flux Variability of Gamma-Ray Blazars
Ben Groebe
Quantum sensing at high pressures
Chong Zu (Hosted by Murch), University of California, Berkeley, Department of Physics
Extracting hidden information from your fluorescence microscope
Mikael P. Backlund (Hosted by Murch), Harvard University, Department of Physics,Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Shape of Higgs Potential at Future Colliders
Dr. Jiang-Hao Yu (Hosted by Zhang), CAS Key Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Beijing
Quantum Science Colloquium: "What is a quantum Markov chain? A beginner’s look into non-commutative probability theory"
Speaker: Renato Feres, Washington University in Saint Louis
A Grad Sem About Nothing
Dawson Huth
Hot Topic Coffee Hour: Microaggressions
The Chemistry Department's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee invite the science community to a Hot Topic Coffee Hour on microaggressions.
Simulating the quantum world with ultracold atoms
Qi-yu Liang (Hosted by Murch), Joint Quantum Institute, University of Maryland and National Institute of Standards and Technology
Shining Light On Quantum Materials
Nicholas Laurita (Hosted by Murch), California Institute Of Technology,The Institute For Quantum Information and Matter
Neutrino quantum kinetics in the Early Universe
Evan Grohs (Hosted by Pastore), University of California/LANL
Dark matter scattering off light nuclei - AND - Neutron Stars - the densest laboratory in the universe
Lorenzo Andreoli and Alex Haber
Realizing fast scramblers - CANCELLED
Xiangyu Cao (Hosted by Nussinov), University of California, Berkeley
From nuclei and neutron stars with local chiral interactions
Ingo Tews (Hosted by Pastore), Los Alamos National Lab
Searching for a quantum spin liquid in a two-dimensional magnet
Jesse Balgley
On the Origin of the Ultra-high Energy Cosmic-rays
Noémie Globus (Hosted by Krawczynski/Ogilvie), Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics, New York University / Center for Computational Astrophysics, Flatiron Institute
Cosmic-rays and the origin of biological homochirality / Plasma injection and outflow formation around rotating black holes
Noémie Globus (Hosted by Ogilvie), Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics, New York University / Center for Computational Astrophysics, Flatiron Institute
Relativistic Fluid Dynamics: From Particle Colliders to Neutron Star Mergers
Jorge Noronha (Hosted by Alford), UIUC
BurstCube and Beyond: Using Scintillators and SiPMs to Detect Gamma-ray Bursts
Jeremy Perkins (Hosted by Errando/Krawczynski/Buckley), Goddard Space Flight Center
Astronomy on Tap
Quin Abarr, Department of Physics, Washington University in St. Louis and Dr. James Buckley, Department of Physics, Washington University in St. Louis
Physics Theory Seminar - Title forthcoming
Amy Nicholson, University of North Carolina
CANCELLED: Memory in Bacteria: From Single Cells to Ecologies
Edo Kussell (Hosted by Tikhonov), New York University
CANCELLED - Physics Theory Seminar
Amy Nicholson (Hosted by Pastore), University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
CANCELLED: Black holes and neutron stars in globular clusters
Thomas Maccarone (Hosted by Nowak), Texas Tech University, Dept. of Physics
CANCELLED: Using antimatter to find dark matter
Manel Errando, Assistant Professor of Physics, Washington University in St. Louis
CANCELLED: Excitons in Flatland: Exploring and Manipulating Many-body Effects on the Optical Excitations in Quasi-2D Materials
Diana Qiu (Hosted by Seidel), Yale University
POSTPONED until October 21! Colloquium: The laboratory analysis of solar matter and implications for nebula chemistry
Professor Kevin McKeegan, UCLA
CANCELLED: Physics Theory Seminar - title forthcoming
Joonas Nättilä (Hosted by Haber/Pastore), KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Stockholm
POSTPONED until October 22: Public Lecture: Sampling the solar system: A key in our quest to understand Earth’s origin and evolution
Professor Kevin McKeegan, UCLA
CANCELLED: Future Prospects for Soft X-ray Spectroscopy with Arcus
Casey DeRoo (Hosted by Errando), University of Iowa
Measurement, dissipation, and quantum control with superconducting circuits
Patrick Harrington
CANCELLED: The next revolution in physics: microbial ecology?
Mikhail Tikhonov, Assistant Professor of Physics, Washington University in St. Louis
CANCELLED: Interactions Between Acceptor Pairs in p-Doped Semiconductors
Adam Durst (Hosted by Seidel), Hofstra University
POSTPONED until December 2: Physics Colloquium: Mark Srednicki
Mark Srednicki (Hosted by Nussinov), University of California, Santa Barbara
CANCELLED: Hydrodynamics and transport in the chiral limit
Alexander Soloviev (Hosted by Haber/Pastore), Stony Brook University
CANCELLED: Black Hole Accretion - New Insights from Numerical Simulations
Alexander Tchekhovskoy (Hosted by Krawczynski), Northwestern University
CANCELLED: Cellular Self Assembly
Shankar Mukherji, Assistant Professor of Physics, Washington University in St. Louis
CANCELLED: Physics Colloquium: Jané Kondev
Jané Kondev (Hosted by Mukherji/Carlsson), Brandeis University
CANCELLED: Physics Theory Seminar
Fabrizio Rompineve (Hosted by Ferrer), Tufts University
CANCELLED: Laboratory Astronomy Using Microscopes
Dr. Nan Liu (Hosted by Krawczynski/Ogliore), Washington University in St. Louis, Physics Department
State of the Physics Department
Mark Alford
CANCELLED: Quantum Science Seminar - Title forthcoming
Gerardo Ortiz (Hosted by Seidel), Indiana University Bloomington
CANCELLED: Feenberg Lecture
John Preskill (Hosted by Ogilvie/Alford), California Institute of Technology
CANCELLED: Exotic compact object searches with gravitational waves
Dr. Huaike Guo (Hosted by Dev), University of Oklahoma
Measurement, dissipation, and quantum control with superconducting circuits
Patrick Harrington, PhD Defense
In silico modeling of IDPs: challenges and limitations in uncovering the physical rules that underlie protein assembly and folding.
Jared Lalmansingh
POSTPONED: Physics Colloquium: Andrew Leifer
Andrew Leifer (Hosted by Tikhonov/Carlsson), Princeton University, Physics Department & Neuroscience Institute
CANCELLED: Physics Theory Seminar - title forthcoming
Natan Andrei (Hosted by Nussinov), Rutgers University
Temperature Dependence of the CLC-ec1 Dimerization Kinetics in Lipid Bilayers
Taeho Lee
CANCELLED: St. Louis Area Physics Teachers (SLAPT) Annual High School Physics Contest
WashU Physics Outreach Committee
CANCELLED: Condensed Matter Physics: What Happened Since Ashcroft/Mermin and Where is it going?
Kun Yang (Hosted by Seidel/Nussinov), National High Magnetic Field Lab/Florida State University
CANCELLED: Physics Theory Seminar - title forthcoming
Dr. Bhubanjyoti Bhattacharya (Hosted by Dev), Lawrence Tech/Wayne State University
CANCELLED: Space Sciences/Astrophysics Seminar - title forthcoming
Jonathan Katz (Hosted by Errando), Washington University in St. Louis
CANCELLED: Physics Theory Seminar - title forthcoming
Dr. Kevin Croker (Hosted by Dev), University of Hawai'i at Mānoa
CANCELLED: Space Sciences/Astrophysics Seminar - title forthcoming
Erin Kara (Hosted by Errando), MIT
Second Nuclear and Particle Theory Meeting
The Department of Physics and the McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences invite you to attend the second edition of the “Nuclear and Particle Theory Meeting.”
Astronomy on Tap!
Dr. Kirsten L. Siebach, Rice University and Dr. Ryan Watkins, Planetary Science Institute
Department of Physics 2020 Commencement Reception
Please join us for the Department of Physics Commencement Reception
Journey to Farpoint: NASA's New Horizons Mission Encounters the Kuiper Belt Object Arrokoth
An illustrated presentation by Bill McKinnon will be featured at the May meeting of the Saint Louis Astronomical Society
St. Louis Astronomical Society Meeting - Quasars: Black Holes, Bright Lights!
Quasars: Black Holes, Bright Lights! -
an illustrated presentation by Dr. Amy Kimball of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory.
St. Louis Astronomical Society Meeting - Standing on the shoulders of Apollo 15
Standing on the shoulders of Apollo 15: A look backward and forward to lunar science and exploration
by Professor Jeffrey Gillis-Davis, Washington University in St. Louis.
Undergraduate Open House
Department of Physics (Hosted by Francesc Ferrer, Director of Undergraduate Studies), Washington University in St. Louis
RCR Training
Michael Ogilvie, Washington University in St. Louis
The Landscape of Neutrino BSM
Prof. Ian Shoemaker (Hosted by Dev), Virginia Tech
Single-nucleon knockout cross sections for reactions producing resonance states at or beyond the drip line
Robert Charity (Hosted by Maria Piarulli), Washington University in St. Louis
In pursuit of Hofstadter's butterfly and Veselago's lens
Erik Henriksen (Hosted by Alford), Washington University in St. Louis
Bulk viscosity in neutron star mergers
Steven Harris (Hosted by Piarulli), Institute of Nuclear Theory
How to Prove Einstein Wrong and Put Elon Musk Out of a Job
Dawson Huth, Washington University in St. Louis
St. Louis Astronomical Society Meeting - Water, water, everywhere
Water, water, everywhere: from the study of meteorites to the origin of Earth's water -
an illustrated presentation by Dr. Lionel Vacher, Washington University in St. Louis.
Multi-messenger exploration of the transient radio sky with LIGO
Alessandra Corsi (Hosted by Alford), Texas Tech University
Oligocrystalline FeMnAlNi Shape Memory Alloys: Microstructural Evolution, Scale-up, Magnetic Sensing
Hande Ozcan, PhD Postdoctoral Researcher, Texas A&M University
Searching for motivation: new physics and the Hubble tension
Fabrizio Rompineve (Hosted by Ferrer), Tufts University
Detecting Sub-Micron Space Weathering Effects in Lunar Grains with Synchrotron Infrared Nanospectroscopy
Kainen Utt, Washington University in St. Louis
St. Louis Space Frontier Meetup
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Apollo to Artemis and Beyond - a presentation by Dr. Jeff Gillis-Davis, Washington University in St. Louis
Outreach Seminar - POSTPONED
Britney Schmidt (Hosted by Carlsson), Georgia Tech
Astronomy on Tap STL: En Español
Luz María Martinez, Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Dr. Elena Manjavacas, W. M. Keck Observatory
Mathematical models of brain development
Geoffrey Goodhill (Hosted by Tikhonov), Queensland Brain Institute
"Giant Piezo-Driven Multiferroic Heterostructures by Design” and “Solute Characterization of (Zr,Ta)B2 Ceramics"
Shane Lindemann, Graduate Student, University of Wisconsin–Madison and Anna Dorner, Graduate Research Assistant and Ph.D. Candidate, Missouri University of Science and Technology
The nuclear electric dipole moment
Nodoka Yamanaka (Hosted by Pastore), University of Massachusetts
WU's adventures with the Hoyle state
Lee G. Sobotka (Hosted by Piarulli), Washington University in St. Louis
The Effect of Toroidal Accretion Disks on the Polarization Spectra of Black Holes
Andrew West, Washington University in St. Louis
Topology meets quantum mechanics
Sheng Ran, Washington University in St. Louis
Spin-triplet superconducting state in the nearly ferromagnetic compound UTe2
Sheng Ran, PhD, Assistant Professor of Physics, Washington University in St. Louis
Spin and Exciton Dynamics in Quantum Materials from First-principles
Yuan Ping (Hosted by Yang), University of California - Santa Cruz
Origin of the Short-Lived Radionuclides, and the Sun's Astrophysical Birth Environment
Steven Desch (Hosted by Ogliore/Ogilvie), Arizona State University
The Subsurface Structure of Abraded Al Alloys and its Influences on Corrosion
Shan-Shan Wang, Ph.D., Research Associate, The Ohio State University
Fundamental symmetry tests in the lepton sector
Kaori Fuyuto (Hosted by Pastore), Los Alamos National Lab
The Compton Spectrometer and Imager Project for MeV Astronomy
John Tomsick (Hosted by Errando/Krawczynski), University of California - Berkeley
Peaking at Quantum Systems
Jonathan Monroe, Washington University in St. Louis
Welcoming the second quantum revolution
Kater Murch, Washington University in St. Louis
What’s love got to do with it? Stable marriage and networks in microbial ecosystems
Sergei Maslov (Hosted by Tikhonov), Dept. of Bioengineering, Dept. of Physics, and Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Ultrastrong Light-Matter Coupling: Dicke Cooperativity
Junichiro Kono (Hosted by Henriksen/Ogilvie), Rice University
The Effect of Metal Incorporation on Properties and Critical Interfaces in GeTe-Based Devices
Kayla A. Cooney, NSF Graduate Research Fellow, Ph.D. Candidate, Penn State
Multipole insulators
Oleg Dubinkin (Hosted by Nussinov), University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign
Nuclear Physics Seminar: Dan Mulrow, Bryan Orabutt, Nicolas Dronchi
Dan Mulrow, Bryan Orabutt, Nicolas Dronchi (Piarulli), Washington University in St. Louis
From quantum mysteries to quantum technologies
Igor Pikovski, Stevens Institute of Technology & Stockholm University
Proton and nuclear structure from the Standard Model
Phiala Shanahan (Hosted by Gau/King/Henriksen), Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"Non Linear Inverse Liquid Solid Chromatography…” and “Ultrabright Plasmonic-fluor as a Cross-platform Nanolabel for Femtomolar Detection of Bioanalytes"
Mark Schnepper, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Central Florida, and Jingyi Luan, Ph.D., Research Scientist, Washington University
Ab initio calculations of low-energy nuclear scattering using confining potential traps
Xilin Zhang (Hosted by Piarulli/Pastore), The Ohio State University
Nuclear Physics Seminar: Garrett King, Lorenzo Andreoli, & Ziyuan Zhang
Garrett King, Lorenzo Andreoli, & Ziyuan Zhang (Hosted by Piarulli), Washington University in St. Louis
Systems-level Robustness in the Cellular Organelle Network
Aline Arra, Washington University in St. Louis
Quantum math- the superposition principle, Bell's inequality, and uncertainties
Zohar Nussinov, Washington University in St. Louis
Major-Minor Fair: Physical Sciences
Turtles all the way down: Spectrum-wide quantum criticality in topological, and maybe high-Tc superconductors
Matthew Foster (Hosted by Henriksen), Rice University
Hydrodynamics of quantum electron liquids
Giovanni Vignale (Hosted by Henriksen), University of Missouri - Columbia
Liquid Metal Embrittlement Susceptibility of Zn-Coated Advanced High Strength Steels
Diptak Bhattacharya, Ph.D. Student, Colorado School of Mines
CEvNS implications for new physics
Julia Gehrlein (Hosted by Dev), Brookhaven National Lab
Some aspects of the quantum Hall effects
Matheus De Oliveira Schossler, Washington University in St. Louis
Washington University Physics Research Symposium (WUPRS)
E-Waste Recycling and LED Swap
E-waste recycling drive hosted by the Office of Sustainability and the Office of Information Security
“Mechanically Reconfigurable Materials and Devices based on 2D TMD layers” and “Structural Supercapacitor Electrodes Based on Reduced Functionalized Graphene Oxide”
Emmanuel Okogbue, Graduate Student, University of Central Florida and Paraskevi Flouda, Graduate Research Assistant, Texas A&M University
Extracting neutron and gamma-ray observables from correlated fission modeling
Amy Lovell (Hosted by King/Pastore), Los Alamos National Lab
Maxwell’s Demon and the Second Law of Thermodynamics
Assa Auerbach, Sidney and Elizabeth Corob Chair in Sciences, Department of Physics, Technion, Israel
Correlation-enhanced electron-phonon interaction in oxide superconductors
Zhenglu Li (Hosted by Yang), University of California - Berkeley
Fundamental Tests with Antihydrogen Atoms
Joel Fajans (Hosted by Ogilvie), University of California - Berkeley
MAX Phases as Precursors to New MXenes
Christopher E. Shuck, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Researcher, Drexel University
What use are the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations? Why the Linear Point standard ruler?
Stefano Anselmi (Hosted by Mertens), Observatoire de Paris
Exotic Atoms and Molecules for Nuclear Science
Ronald Fernando Garcia Ruiz (Hosted by Piarulli), MIT
Fundamental limits to organelle biogenesis control in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Kiandokht Panjtan Amiri, Washington University in St. Louis
From quantum miracles to parallel worlds
Lev Vaidman, The Alex Maguy-Glass Chair in Physics of Complex Systems, Physics Department, Tel Aviv University
Studying topological quantum phase transitions with unsupervised machine learning
Yanming Che (Hosted by Nussinov), RIKEN
Memory in Bacteria: From Single Cells to Ecologies
Edo Kussel (Hosted by Tikhonov), New York University
“High Entropy Oxides: The Multicomponent Materials, Their Synthesis, and Properties” and “Strain-Induced Electrochemical Inhomogeneity in Cathode Nanoparticles Revealed at Atomic Level”
Brianna L. Musicó Graduate Research Assistant University of Tennessee, Knoxville and Wenxiang Chen, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Initial Conditions for Inflation
Katy Clough (Hosted by Mertens), Oxford University
DM halo morphological types of MW-like galaxies in the TNG50 simulation: Simple, Twisted, or Stretched
Razieh Emami Meibody (Hosted by Andrew West), Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Photochemical Processing by Nearby Stars Recorded in Sulfur Isotopes of Cosmic Symplectite
Lionel Vacher, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Physics and the McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences
A Foray into Nuclear Physics: From Beginnings to Modern Methods
Jason Bub, Washington University in St. Louis
St. Louis Astronomical Society Meeting - Mirror Asymmetry in Life and in Space
Mirror Asymmetry in Life and in Space - an illustrated presentation by Dr. Brett McGuire, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Explore the magic of light
Lan Yang, Edwin H. & Florence G. Skinner Professor, Electrical and Systems Engineering, Washington University
Tuning electron correlation in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene using Coulomb screening
Leo Li (Hosted by Henriksen), Brown University
Astronomy on Tap with Daniel Agustinho and Johanna Nagy
Daniel Agustinho and Johanna Nagy, Washington University in St. Louis
OUR Fall 2020 Undergraduate Research Week
The Office of Undergraduate Research is excited to sponsor Fall Undergraduate Research Week.
Quantum Chaos and the Foundations of Statistical Mechanics
Mark Srednicki (Hosted by Nussinov), University of California, Santa Barbara
“Soft materials from block copolymer self-assembly: from bioinspired membranes to hierarchically-structured hydrogels” and “Nanoscale 4D Microstructural Characterization of Corrosion in High Performance Light Metal Alloys using Correlative Microscopy”
Chao Lang, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Researcher, Penn State and Sridhar Niverty, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Scholar, Purdue University
Many body interactions from Restricted Boltzmann Machines
Ermal Rrapaj (Hosted by Pastore/Piarulli), University of Minnesota
Simulations of Cosmic Explosions
Alexander Tchekhovskoy (Hosted by Krawczynski), Northwestern University
Study Abroad Showcase
Overseas Programs is excited to offer an event for Danforth Campus students to learn more about available study abroad opportunities on December 4th, 12:00-2:00 pm (CT)
How can unwanted effects be used to map the dynamics of cerebral blood flow: The redemption of speckle and blurriness
Paul Lin, Washington University in St. Louis
Witnessing Quantum Gravity via Miniaturist Quantum Accelerator
Anupam Mazumdar (Hosted by Dev), University of Groningen
The statistical mechanics of filaments with transient cross linkers: Casimir interactions, the bundling transition, and topological defects
Alex Levine (Hosted by Nussinov), Departments of Physics & Astronomy, Chemistry & Biochemistry, and Computational Medicine, UCLA
Mixed Phase Ytterbium Silicate Environmental-Barrier Coatings for Improved Calcium–Magnesium–Alumino-Silicate Resistance
Rebekah Webster, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Scholar/Instructor, University of Virginia
Fast Radio Bursts: What they are, why we care
Daniele Michilli (Hosted by Ephraim Gau), McGill University
Protein-folding in the Age of AlphaFold 2
Jared Lalmansingh, Washington University in St. Louis
St. Louis Astronomical Society Meeting - Pulsars-Timekeepers of the Cosmos
Pulsars-Timekeepers of the Cosmos - an illustrated presentation by Dr. Maura McLaughlin, West Virginia University