Single-nucleon knockout cross sections for reactions producing resonance states at or beyond the drip line

Robert Charity (Hosted by Maria Piarulli), Washington University in St. Louis

Nucleon knockout cross sections using fast radioactive beams with light targets (Be or C ) have been well studied.  For projectiles away from the valley of stability, where a minority-species nucleon is removed, one finds the measured cross section is reduced relative to theoretical predictions.  The interpretation of this reduction has produced a lot of controversy as to whether it represents a failure of either the structure (shell model) or reaction (eikonal model) contributions.  All previous cross sections considered are for the production of particle-stable residuals. In this work I will look at cross sections for the production of resonances and show that these do not follow the same systematic reduction as the particle-stable residuals, but are further reduced relative to the same theory.  One possibility for this extra reduction is the failure of the standard shell model for these resonances, as it ignores how the coupling to the continuum modifies the shell-model wavefuncti