TIGERISS roars toward space station spot
NASA selects WashU’s experiment concept to probe origins of elements
Summer 2023
Dr. Daylan will be joining our faculty in Fall 2023. He is currently an LSSTC Catalyst Fellow at Princeton University. Before his current position, he was a TESS postdoctoral associate and a Kavli Fellow at MIT. His research program covers exoplanets, dark matter, and astrostatistics.
Researchers’ recent observations of a stellar-mass black hole called Cygnus X-1 reveal new details about the configuration of extremely hot matter in the region immediately surrounding the black ...
Some of the brightest objects in the sky are called blazars. They consist of a supermassive black hole feeding off material swirling around it in a disk, which can create two powerful jets perpendi...
Michael Mansour was awarded the Nishi Luthra Senior Prize in May 2023. The prize is awarded to outstanding senior Physics Majors based on performance in physics courses and the winners are selected by the department’s major advisors.
―Michael MansourClass of 2023Physics BBQ
Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics
Saturday Science
PhD Candidates - May 2023
Assistant Professor of Physics Sheng Ran won a prestigious Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) award from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for his project “Discovery and Characterization of Strongly Correlated Topological Materials.”
Read the StoryCharles M. Hohenberg Professor of Physics Kater Murch was named the Charles M. Hohenberg professor of physics. Stuart A. Solin held the title from 2003-2016.
Read the StoryAlbert Gordon Hill Professor of Physics Li Yang was named the Albert Gordon Hill professor of physics. James G. Miller held the title from 2000-2019.
Read the StoryResearch Professor of Physics Jeff Gillis-Davis received an Outstanding Faculty Award presented by the Graduate Student Senate.
Read the StoryAssociate Professor of Physics Ryan C. Ogliore has been promoted with tenure to associate professor of physics.
Assistant Professor of Physics Alex Chen has accepted our offer to join our tenure track faculty as an assistant professor of physics, effective July 1, 2023.
May 2023
The Department of Physics started an emailed newsletter last fall. It is sent out weekly while classes are in session. If you're not already receiving it and you're interested in subscribing, complete the form at the link below.
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