Nuclear Physics Seminar with Nic Dronchi and Wim Dickhoff on Optical Potentials
"Optical Potentials 2022" presented by Wim Dickhoff from Washington University in St. Louis
A brief review of different approaches to the nucleon optical potential together with some impressions from a recent workshop on this topic at FRIB.
“Measurement of B(E2↑) for 36Ca and 7Li plans” presented by Nic Dronchi from Washington University in St. Louis
In a pair of experiments, the B(E2; 2+1 -> 0+g.s) and proton branching ratio was measured for 36Ca. The measured B(E2) value significantly differs from that previously employed in an astrophysical calculation. This B(E2) is useful in x-ray burst simulations where 34Ar sits at a waiting point which is sensitive to the 35K(p,γ)36Ca reaction rate. Here an update will be given on the final branching ratio.
I will also discuss our experimental plans to search for a new excited state in 7Li which was predicted using the NCSMC [1]. They predict an S-wave resonance just above the particle decay threshold to 6He+p indicating a near threshold resonance. Searching for this state provides a test to ab initio models that include the continuum.
[1] Matteo Vorabbi, Petr Navrátil, Sofia Quaglioni, and Guillaume Hupin. Be-7 and Li-7 nuclei within the no-core shell model with continuum. Physical Review C, 100(2):024304, Aug 2019.