Inaugural Meeting
The Department of Physics and the McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences invite you to attend the inaugural collaboration meeting to be held at Washington University in St. Louis, March 10-13, 2019. This is a small and informal meeting whose objective is to discuss and exchange ideas on recent research topics in nuclear and particle physics.
This inaugural meeting is meant to introduce the Quantum Monte Carlo group for nuclear physics and collaborators to our colleagues at WashU and to the members of the FRIB-TA/MSU, with the scope of fostering new collaborations. This initiative will also be beneficial to local post-docs and students as they will be exposed to the current research programs.
This event is generously supported by the
Organizers: Saori Pastore and Maria Piarulli
Useful Information
The welcome reception will be held at 6:00pm in the Rover Atrium of Rudolph Hall, Danforth Campus,
Washington University in St. Louis.
All talks will be held in Crow 204 within the Physics Department.
Non local participants will stay at the Parkway Hotel, 4550 Forest Park Avenue. You do not need to reserve your room.
Please send us your arrival/departure info and we'll take care of the reservations.
Upon arrival, you will be asked for a credit card to cover incidentals.
In the morning, you can get to campus using the shuttle bus provided by the hotel, or you can get a ride from Jan, Maria, or Saori.
You can also get on the MetroLink at the Central West End station, located at the intersection of Euclid Avenue and Children's Place,
and get off at the Skinker station, a 5 minute walk from the Physics Department.
If you rent a car, you can park in the Millbrook parking garage (please, park in the visitor spots).
Also, arrange for rides amongst yourselves.
The hotel is located in a pedestrian-friendly area.
Below are some of the local restaurants/bars/coffee shops with locations shown on this map:
Mission Taco
Drunken Fish
Zero Sub Vodka Bar
Gamlin Whiskey House