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Space Sciences/Astrophysics Seminar with Melodie Kao on Comparative Magnetospheric Science: Bridging Planets to Low-Mass Stars

Melodie Kao (hosted by Tansu Daylan) from the Lowell Observatory will be presenting a seminar on Comparative Magnetospheric Science: Bridging Planets to Low-Mass Stars.

Kao studies exo-aurorae and characterizes the magnetospheres of very cold brown dwarfs to both gain insight into exoplanet magnetism and learn how magnetism evolves in the mass regime that bridges planets and stars. She received her PhD in 2017 at the California Institute of Technology and held a 2017 Grote Reber Pre-Doctoral Fellowship at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Socorro, NM.

Abstract: As brown dwarf masses and temperatures approach planetary thresholds, their stellar-like flare activity gradually transitions to more planet-like auroral and radiation belt activity. These overlapping magnetic activity regimes position brown dwarfs as unique, powerful, and accessible laboratories that probe star-planet interaction and exoplanet magnetospheric physics. The advent of JWST will yield new insights into auroral physics, while maturing low frequency radio arrays and a highly anticipated ngVLA will provide new means for detecting and characterizing substellar magnetospheres. Now is a critical time to prepare for an upcoming era of star-planet interaction and comparative magnetospheric science by harnessing detailed studies of brown dwarf magnetic activity. I will synthesize the state of the art for brown dwarf magnetospheric studies; discuss implications for exoplanet magnetism, star-planet interactions, and extrasolar volcanism; and highlight opportunities for the next generation of ground- and space-based radio facilities.

Sponsored by the McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences.