Visible light exposure of galaxy cluster Abell 2744 from NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope and ESO's Very Large Telescope, X-ray data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory & math reconstruction of dark matter location. D. Coe & J. Merten/ESO/NASA/ESA/CXC

Relativistic Cosmological Simulations and Gravitomagnetic Effect in Cosmology

Baojiu Li (Hosted by Mertens), Durham University, UK

In this presentation I will talk about GRAMSES, an adaptive-mesh-refinement particle-mesh code to solve the Einstein equations in a cosmological context. GRAMSES is based on the so-called fully constrained formulation of GR, which maximizes the number of elliptical equations to be solved numerically. By further assuming that tensor modes have negligible feedback effects in cosmological evolutions, it reduces to a set of elliptical equations governing the scalar and vector modes of the metric tensor. As an example, I will talk about an effect of the vector potential, the gravitomagnetic force and its lensing effect, and some recent results on the detectability of this effect in cosmological observations.

Zoom link available upon request at
Post-docs and students' Q&A with the speaker starts at 2:15 pm.  Contact Garrett King for the Q&A Zoom link.