Physics Theory Seminar with Alexis Nikolakopoulos on "Nucleon knockout in accelerator-based experiments"
Current and future accelerator-based neutrino experiments are able to resolve hadrons produced in electroweak interactions with nuclei, e.g. by making use of Liquid Argon Time Projection chambers (LArTPCs). To properly interpret and analyze data in neutrino experiments a robust description of the interactions of neutrinos with nuclei is necessary. In these experiments the incoming neutrino energies are spread over a significant range, and the neutrino energy cannot be unambiguously determined on an event-to-event basis. This means that the number of relevant interaction mechanisms and states for the unobserved hadronic system that need to be considered are extremely large and out of reach of currently available microscopic methods. I will discuss the open challenges for nuclear theory posed by neutrino experiments, paying specific attention to nucleon knockout and the role of final-state interactions.