Physics Graduate Student Seminar with Nicolas Dronchi on The Two for one deal!
The first part of this talk will focus on the search for an S-wave resonance in 7Li. Recent No Core Shell Model with Continuum (NCSMC) predictions show an S-wave resonance just above the particle decay threshold to 6He+p, indicating a near-threshold resonance [1]. The 6He(d,n)7Li reaction was employed at the Texas A&M Cyclotron Institute to selectively populate this resonance and search for its proton decay via the invariant-mass method. No evidence of this resonance was found, leading to a discussion on the origin of the calculated state within the NCSMC.
The second part of this talk will focus on the in-progress analysis of 37,38Sc, 35Ca, and 34K, all isotopes near the proton drip-line that were populated using a 37Ca beam on a beryllium target at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory. Invariant-mass spectroscopy has revealed the ground state masses of 37,38Sc and 34K. Excited states of all four isotopes are presented, serving as important tests of the Z=20 shell and N=16 subshell closures which have been observed to exist in this region of nuclei.
[1] Matteo Vorabbi, Petr Navrátil, Sofia Quaglioni, and Guillaume Hupin. Be-7 and Li-7 nuclei within the no-core shell model with continuum. Physical Review C, 100(2):024304, Aug 2019.