Graduate Student Seminar with Chandrashekhar Gaikwad on Josephson Parametric Amplifiers
The study of non-Hermitian systems with Exceptional Points (EP) has opened up a path to explore an abundance of new phenomenon such as quantum sensors, quantum gates and breakdown of bulk-boundary correspondence. Experimental realization of a typical non-Hermitian system involves complicated bath engineering around a Hermitian system. Which is a quantum setup and will give rise to unavoidable random fluctuations. To circumvent these issues we will implement a theoretical solution proposed in Ref[1, 2] to map a non-Hermitian system onto coupled Josephson parametric amplifiers (JPAs).
[1] Yu-Xin Wang and A. A. Clerk, Non-Hermitian dynam-ics without dissipation in quantum systems. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 99, 063834 (2019)
[2] Arkadev Roy, Saman Jahani, Qiushi Guo, Avik Dutt, Shanhui Fan, Mohammad-Ali Miri, Alireza Marandi, Nondissipative non-Hermitian dynamics and exceptional points in coupled optical parametric oscillators. Optica Vol. 8, Issue 3, pp. 415-421 (2021)