Critical Analysis of Scientific Data


Data science" is most commonly associated with topics in computer science. But efficient algorithms, specific software packages, neural nets, etc., are only tools, and are easily misused. In a research setting, working with data is primarily an exercise in critical thinking. The purpose of this interactive, hands-on course is to learn from mistakes by making them in a safe environment. After covering/reviewing probability theory; Bayesian inference; elements of information theory and random matrix theory, the course will focus on case studies of real-world biological data, such as quantitative imaging data, nextgeneration sequencing (metagenomics), and neural recordings. These modules will involve critical reading of research papers and working through puzzle-based assignments. The primary modules will be supplemented by shorter presentations on topics chosen by students. Fair warning: this is explicitly NOT a course on "big data" or machine learning, although students may choose to explore some of these topics in their presentations (required for credit). Experience with MatLab or Python strongly encouraged or will need to be acquired during the course. Open to undergraduates with prior programming experience and a quantitative background (Phys 197/198, Math 203 or similar; contact instructor if unsure). Experience with data or statistics not required. Course mimics a research environment and undergraduates considering an academic research track especially encouraged. Graduate students required to pick an advance topic.
Course Attributes:

Section 01

Critical Analysis of Scientific Data
View Course Listing - SP2024