IMSE Seminar with Vincent H. Crespi on Carbon Nanothreads

Vincent H. Crespi (Hosted by Henriksen) from Pennsylvania State University will be presenting the seminar "The Emerging Families of One-Dimensional Carbon Nanothreads and Air-Stable Atomically Thin Two-Dimensional Metals"

Whereas there are only two main types of sp2-based nanotubes, carbon and boron nitride, there are already over a dozen types of sp3-based carbon nanothreads, produced at high pressure from aromatic precursors. Their exceptional rigidity and chemical tuneability promising intriguing physical properties, including unusual orbital overlaps and 1D topological domains mechanically defined. Turning to the 2D half of the seminar, the high-energy interface between SiC and epitaxial graphene can be intercalated with a wide array of metals at the wafer scale, which then remain air stable due to the protective graphene cap. These unusual 2D polar metals can display exceptional optical nonlinearities, superconductivity, and strong spin-orbit coupling, and their air stability opens them up to many additional modes of experimental investigation not possible under ultra-high vacuum, the traditional domain of atomically thin metals.

Faculty, students, and the general public are invited.